Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics GP New Developing Horizons - Alba Spectrum Illinois
Released on = September 13, 2006, 3:01 pm
Press Release Author = Alba Spectrum Group
Industry = Computers
Press Release Summary = Microsoft Dynamics as the project is aiming to consolidate several Microsoft ERP brands: Axapta, Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, MS CRM. One of the directions is interface unification - general computer user knows MS Office and especially Microsoft Outlook interface and is comfortable intuitively navigate Outlook. Microsoft Dynamics GP is on the way to soon-to-be-true seamless integration with MS Office and Outlook.
Press Release Body = Alba Spectrum Group USA: +1-866-528-0577 skype: albaspectrum
Microsoft Dynamics as the project is aiming to consolidate several Microsoft ERP brands: Axapta, Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, MS CRM. One of the directions is interface unification - general computer user knows MS Office and especially Microsoft Outlook interface and is comfortable intuitively navigate Outlook. Microsoft Dynamics GP is on the way to soon-to-be-true seamless integration with MS Office and Outlook. Let's look at this from the side of technology and GP customization perspectives . Dexterity "fat" client. This conception is still viable and looking at the version 9.0 you will find Microsoft Dexterity elements there, such as Dynamics.Set and Dynamics.Dic files . eConnect development "shortcut". In order to modify GP, however, you do not need to become Dex developer, it is enough if you are comfortable with MS Visual Studio, XML Web Services or even SQL stored procedures. eConnect will open the door for you to GP objects and transactions. Initially eConnect was intended to eCommerce developers, later on it covered the majority of GP modules . Cross-Platform integration. The nicety of eConnect XML Web Services interface lays in the fact that XML doesn't care about application platform. You can call eConnect interface through XML Web Service from Oracle application, for example. . Business Portal. Being .Net application, BP is the way to make GP completely open to web developer. You can see how Microsoft Dynamics GP exposes more and more feature with each new version via Business Portal - the role and dominance of old Dexterity "fat" client might change in the short future.
Alba Spectrum Group ( ) Microsoft Business Solutions: Microsoft Great Plains (Microsoft Dynamics GP) partner with presence in Chicago, IL and Houston TX, we also serve USA Midwest & nationwide through our subcontractors network, short visits onsite and remote support from our centralized call center.
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Contact Details = Alba Spectrum Group USA: +1-866-528-0577 or +1-630-961-5918, skype: albaspectrum
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